POLITICS: Communism in America | Ft. McKenzie Levi (The Cleveland Alt Knight)

Episode Summary

The Cleveland Crusader, also known as The Alt Knight or McKenzie (Mac) Levi, is a right-wing defender known for his strong hatred towards communism. Using his megaphone, he screams at crowds, telling them to get out of here if they are communists. Today, he joins the Político team to discuss the “Avakianers”, a communist cult that tries to recruit younger people to follow an 80-year-old dictator who critiques the democratic-capitalist system. Today Levi shares his fear of a communist takeover with us and explains why we must be fearful of communism and never embrace it.


Levi's message is clear: “we must be cautious about those who promote communism, and we should never try to embrace it as a system”

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About the Guest

McKenzie (Mac) Levindofske

McKenzie Levi also known as the Cleveland Crusader or the alt Knight is an independent political candidate, and public safety figure in Ohio. Committed to protecting the community from riots, challenging officials, and combating harmful ideologies like communism Levi is always in. He has also run for public office and currently is working on making new music.

• Follow Levi's journey on social media and his personal website